I spent a very enjoyable day doing an acrylic workshop for the Sheep Creek Arts Council in Turner Valley. I did a version of my truck painting “Big Red”.
This is how it looked when I got it home, I was happy with it but realized that the truck was a little small and it was definitely was too low. It needed to be moved up about an inch.
Here I’ve used gesso to white the truck out and raise it up. The old bumper has been covered over with a dark stroke.
Here is the new version of the truck with the dark for the shadows covering the truck.
This is finished version of the painting at the same place I left it after the workshop.
I love the ability we have with acrylic to change things dramatically, at any time. Overall I’m happy with the painting. I would just like to change the bright (almost white) highlights in the grass. The don’t really fit in. Of course this is really just the initial stage of the painting. Even for the parts I worked on there is still the final detailing stage that really brings the painting to life.